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// Copyright (c) 2022 MASSA LABS <info@massa.net>
//! This module exports generic traits representing interfaces for interacting with the Execution worker
use crate::types::{
ExecutionBlockMetadata, ExecutionQueryRequest, ExecutionQueryResponse, ReadOnlyExecutionRequest,
use crate::ExecutionError;
use crate::{ExecutionAddressInfo, ReadOnlyExecutionOutput};
use massa_models::address::Address;
use massa_models::amount::Amount;
use massa_models::block_id::BlockId;
use massa_models::denunciation::DenunciationIndex;
use massa_models::execution::EventFilter;
use massa_models::operation::OperationId;
use massa_models::output_event::SCOutputEvent;
use massa_models::prehash::PreHashMap;
use massa_models::slot::Slot;
use massa_models::stats::ExecutionStats;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[cfg(feature = "execution-trace")]
use crate::types_trace_info::{AbiTrace, SlotAbiCallStack, Transfer};
#[cfg_attr(feature = "test-exports", mockall::automock)]
/// interface that communicates with the execution worker thread
pub trait ExecutionController: Send + Sync {
/// Updates blockclique status by signaling newly finalized blocks and the latest blockclique.
/// # Arguments
/// * `finalized_blocks`: newly finalized blocks indexed by slot.
/// * `blockclique`: new blockclique (if changed). Indexed by slot.
/// * `block_metadata`: storage instances and metadata for new blocks. Each storage owns refs to the block and its ops/endorsements.
fn update_blockclique_status(
finalized_blocks: HashMap<Slot, BlockId>,
new_blockclique: Option<HashMap<Slot, BlockId>>,
block_metadata: PreHashMap<BlockId, ExecutionBlockMetadata>,
/// Atomically query the execution state with multiple requests
fn query_state(&self, req: ExecutionQueryRequest) -> ExecutionQueryResponse;
/// Get execution events optionally filtered by:
/// * start slot
/// * end slot
/// * emitter address
/// * original caller address
/// * operation id
fn get_filtered_sc_output_event(&self, filter: EventFilter) -> Vec<SCOutputEvent>;
/// Get the final and active values of balance.
/// # Return value
/// * `(final_balance, active_balance)`
fn get_final_and_candidate_balance(
addresses: &[Address],
) -> Vec<(Option<Amount>, Option<Amount>)>;
/// Get the execution status of a batch of operations.
/// Return value: vector of
/// `(Option<speculative_status>, Option<final_status>)`
/// If an Option is None it means that the op execution was not found.
/// Note that old op executions are forgotten.
/// Otherwise, the status is a boolean indicating whether the execution was successful (true) or if there was an error (false.)
fn get_ops_exec_status(&self, batch: &[OperationId]) -> Vec<(Option<bool>, Option<bool>)>;
/// Get a copy of a single datastore entry with its final and active values
/// # Return value
/// * `(final_data_entry, active_data_entry)`
fn get_final_and_active_data_entry(
input: Vec<(Address, Vec<u8>)>,
) -> Vec<(Option<Vec<u8>>, Option<Vec<u8>>)>;
/// Returns for a given cycle the stakers taken into account
/// by the selector. That correspond to the `roll_counts` in `cycle - 3`.
/// By default it returns an empty map.
fn get_cycle_active_rolls(&self, cycle: u64) -> BTreeMap<Address, u64>;
/// Execute read-only SC function call without causing modifications to the consensus state
/// # arguments
/// * `req`: an instance of `ReadOnlyCallRequest` describing the parameters of the execution
/// # returns
/// An instance of `ExecutionOutput` containing a summary of the effects of the execution,
/// or an error if the execution failed.
fn execute_readonly_request(
req: ReadOnlyExecutionRequest,
) -> Result<ReadOnlyExecutionOutput, ExecutionError>;
/// Check if a denunciation has been executed given a `DenunciationIndex`
/// (speculative, final)
fn get_denunciation_execution_status(
denunciation_index: &DenunciationIndex,
) -> (bool, bool);
/// Gets information about a batch of addresses
fn get_addresses_infos(
addresses: &[Address],
deferred_credits_max_slot: std::ops::Bound<Slot>,
) -> Vec<ExecutionAddressInfo>;
/// Get execution statistics
fn get_stats(&self) -> ExecutionStats;
/// Get the current module LRU cache size
fn get_module_lru_cache_memory_usage(&self) -> usize;
/// Get the number of events currently in the active history
fn get_active_history_total_event_len(&self) -> usize;
#[cfg(feature = "execution-trace")]
/// Get the abi call stack for a given operation id
fn get_operation_abi_call_stack(&self, operation_id: OperationId) -> Option<Vec<AbiTrace>>;
#[cfg(feature = "execution-trace")]
/// Get the abi call stack for a given slot
fn get_slot_abi_call_stack(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<SlotAbiCallStack>;
#[cfg(feature = "execution-trace")]
/// Get the all transfers of MAS for a given slot
fn get_transfers_for_slot(&self, slot: Slot) -> Option<Vec<Transfer>>;
#[cfg(feature = "execution-trace")]
/// Get the transfer of MAS for a given operation id
fn get_transfer_for_op(&self, op_id: &OperationId) -> Option<Transfer>;
/// Returns a boxed clone of self.
/// Useful to allow cloning `Box<dyn ExecutionController>`.
fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<dyn ExecutionController>;
/// Allow cloning `Box<dyn ExecutionController>`
/// Uses `ExecutionController::clone_box` internally
impl Clone for Box<dyn ExecutionController> {
fn clone(&self) -> Box<dyn ExecutionController> {
/// Execution manager used to stop the execution thread
pub trait ExecutionManager {
/// Stop the execution thread
/// Note that we do not take self by value to consume it
/// because it is not allowed to move out of `Box<dyn ExecutionManager>`
/// This will improve if the `unsized_fn_params` feature stabilizes enough to be safely usable.
fn stop(&mut self);