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// Copyright (c) 2022 MASSA LABS <info@massa.net>
//! # General description
//! MassaDB is a wrapper around:
//! * A RocksDB database (on Disk)
//! * Some caches (on RAM).
//! * a config
//! # RocksDB
//! RocksDB stores keys and values, which are arbitrarily-sized byte streams (aka vec<u8> or &[u8]).
//! It supports both point lookups and range scans.
//! For MassaDB, we use 3 rocksdb column:
//! * state: all data for (async pool, executed ops/de, ledger ...) and used to compute the db hash
//! * versioning: partial MIP store data see Versioning doc section: "MipStore and Final state hash"
//! * metadata: final state hash + slot
//! Note that data is stored with a prefix (see constants.rs in massa-db-exports).
//! For instance, a ledger update, will be stored (in column: 'state') as:
//! * key: LEDGER_PREFIX+Address+[...] (serialized as bytes)
//! * value: Amount (serialized as bytes)
//! Note: prefixes are used to separate data between sub systems of final state
//! (async pool, executed ops/de, ledger...)
//! # DB hash
//! Whenever something is stored on the column 'state', the db hash is updating using Xor.
//! This allows for fast hash updates when adding or deleting an item in the db.
//! if we have item a = 0b0011 et item b = Ob1011:
//! * hash will be: 0011 ^ 1011 == 1011 ^ 0011 == 1000 (insert order independent)
//! * if we want to delete item a: 1000 ^ 0011 == 1011 (== item b)
//! * if we want to delete item b: 1000 ^ 1011 == 0011 (== item a)
//! Note that this does not provide "Proof of present" nor "Proof of Absence"
//! (operations avail with Merkle trees)
//! For more details here: https://github.com/massalabs/massa/discussions/3852#discussioncomment-6188158
//! This hash is often referred as 'final state hash'.
//! # Caches
//! A cache of db changes is kept in memory allowing to easily stream it
//! (by streaming, we mean: sending it to another massa node (aka bootstrap))
//! There is 2 separate caches: one for 'state' and one for 'versioning'
//! These caches are stored as a key, value: slot -> insertion_data|deletion_data.
//! # Streaming steps
//! 1- Streaming always starts by reading data from disk (from rocksdb). Data is send by chunk.
//! 2- As this process can be slow (e.g. db size is high, network is slow), updates can happen simultaneously
//! (as new slots are processed by the node, data can be updated)
//! thus the (DB) caches are updated so as the streaming process is ongoing, we can easily only send
//! the updates (by querying only the cache)
//! 3- Even after this process is finished (and as other things like consensus data are streamed),
//! we can send the updates
mod massa_db;
pub use crate::massa_db::*;