Crate massa_versioning

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General description

MIP = Massa Improvement proposal (similar to Bitcoin Improvement Proposal - BIP or Ethereum - EIP)

MIPInfo -> represent a MIP (name, versions, time ranges) MIPState -> Deployment state of a MIPInfo MIPStore -> A map of MIPInfo -> MipState

Notes on MipInfo versions

There is 2 different ‘versions’:

  • version == Network version -> This is the network version to announce and thus is stored in block header
  • component_version -> This is the version for the associated component and is used in VersioningFactory (e.g KeyPair, Address, VM)

Notes on MipInfo timings and stats

So in the execution module and after a block become final, we update the MipStore stats (in a blocking way). By updating the stats, we mean sending: (Slot timestamp, Option<(current: u32, announced: Option)>). Using the slot timestamp, ensure that the trigger (and the trigger timeout) is a consensus by all nodes (This means that the trigger and the trigger timeout are not timer based). In order to have all nodes in sync (because of node various delays), the state is set to active after an activation delay (duration is required to be > 1 cycle).

About activation delay:

At the slot when the activation happens, need to make sure that everyone knows it should happen, so we need to make sure that everyone has seen as final the slot that triggered the locked-in state, and the worst-case delay required for a slot to become final is the definition of a cycle.

The activation delay counts how long we wait to activate after the vote threshold was reached and we entered into locked-in state. During that delay, and after it, the number of blocks considered for the vote is not relevant. The only reason why we should consider a sufficient number of votes is to get a reasonable p-value on the vote itself:

if we consider only 5 votes, the probability that a 30%-stake was selected to vote at least 75% of the times is 3%: if we consider 1000 votes that probability falls to 1e-149.

Notes on MipState

MipState has:

  • A state machine (stores the current state of deployment for a MipInfo)
  • A history (stores a list of Advance message that ‘really’ updated the state machine)

A auto generated graph of the state machine can be found here:

  • dot -Tpng ./target/machine/ > ./target/machine/componentstate.png
  • xdg-open ./target/machine/componentstate.png

History is there in order to:

  • Query the state at any time, so you can query MipStore and ask the best version at any time
  • Used a lot when merging 2 MipStore:
    • By replaying the history of the states of the received MipStore (bootstrap), we can safely updates in the bootstrap process
      • When we init MipStore (at startup), this ensures that we have a time ranges & versions consistent list of MipInfo
      • For instance, this can avoid to have 2 MipInfo with the same name

Versioning Factory

A Factory trait is there to ease the development of factory for Versioned component (e.g. address, block)

All factories should query MIPStore in order to create a component with correct version; default implementation are provided by the trait to avoid re writing these query functions.

Unit tests in shows a basic but realistic implementation of a AddressFactory (impl the Factory trait)

MipStore and Final state hash

MipStore is written on disk after each block finalization. Writes are done in two separate column:

  • STATE_CF: ‘Active’ MIP info list
  • VERSIONING_CF: other MIP info + stats

By writing only ‘Active’ MIP in state_cf column, we ensure that the final state hash remains the same between the versioning transition (e.g. User 1 has upgraded to network version 1 while User 2 has not yet upgraded)
